Learning Thai, Your Great Adventure

Is your introduction to the Thai language, its alphabet, consonants, consonant classes, vowels (both simple and complex), tones, tone marks, and so on. It has everything you need to get started.

Learn Thai Alphabet, Memory Aids to Your Great Adventure

Is the book for helping you learn the Thai alphabet. Our system encompasses easy to remember pictures that contain everything you need to know.

The Perfect Thai Phrasebook

Could be thought to be a simple, handy, easy to use, and effective phrasebook, but it's much more than that. It not only contains the phrases you need to use on a day-to-day basis but we also place extra emphasis on the Thai script so that, when you're ready, you can then use it as part of your reading Thai studies.

How to Read Thai

With our system, there are just 8 simple rules that you need to remember. When you do and then apply them, you'll realise that being able to decipher Thai script, to see syllables and words is much, much easier than you ever thought possible.


(QUick, Easy Simple Thai)

Russ, my husband, and I created our own system for helping English speakers to learn Thai: Quest (Quick, Easy, Simple Thai)

When he was first learning Thai, he struggled with all the different transliteration systems, that there was no consistent approach, and that it was, in his own words, "all over the place".

Building on his army experiences of KISS: Keep It Simple Soldier! he devised our own method of learning Thai. We called it Quest because learning a new language is an adventure, is something you specifically have to work at, and with a goal in mind.

Volume 1 of our 5 book series is called Learning Thai, Your Great Adventure, and is the first step on your own particular Quest.

Given their are 12 different transliteration systems in use in Thailand, it's not that we didn't want to add an unlucky 13th, rather we asked permission from Paiboon to use their system. They happily agreed and that, together with our own colour-coded method, mnemonics, etc., are extremely useful in getting you over the initial hurdles and rapidly onto learning Thai.

As Michael Dileo said:

"I'd like to give you kudos for your well though out system for learning Thai. I purchased the hardcopy of the first book in the Quest program, and I like how you "decode" the inter-mechanics of the Thai language.

I'm a self-proclaimed polyglot in training, and I've learned several languages via different systems. I have to say that your method is top-notch."

Our System

Consisting of 4 books (pdf versions), 2 apps, and a video training course (plus pdf workbook), it is the perfect system for helping you learn Thai.

Even if you know nothing about the Thai language, our system has got it all and it will help you go from absolute beginner through to learning how to speak, read, and write Thai.

  • Volume 1 - Learning Thai Your Great Adventure
  • Volume 2 - Learn Thai Alphabet with Memory Aids to Your Great Adventure
  • Volume 3 - The Perfect Thai Phrasebook
  • Volume 4 - How To Read Thai
  • Volume 5 - How to Write Thai
  • The Learn Thai Alphabet application
  • The Learn Thai Numbers application

Check our Quest system out below.

How to Write Thai

Consists of a video course and workbook to teach you the best and easiest way to write Thai script.

The Learn Thai Alphabet app

Is our online interactive app to teach you all aspects of the Thai alphabet. This includes all consonant, consonant classes, vowels, tone marks, and numbers. Complete with sounds, quizzes, and everything you need to learn the entire Thai alphabet (essential for progressing onto reading Thai).

Check out the app, below:

The Learn Thai Numbers app

The idea for this app came from one of our students. Similar to the Learn Thai Alphabet application, this app teaches you everything you need to know about the Thai numbers system. Incorporating sounds, quizzes, it's the most fun and easiest way to learn.

Note: both apps are only accessible online, i.e., you need Internet access and a compatible browser (we recommend Chrome).

(The apps used to be available offline via Flash, but that's no longer the case as Flash is no longer supported.)

All materials are available in our members' area immediately after purchase.

Click on the button below to begin your Quest: